
Show your love for a human creator!

As I mentioned in my blog post, I have decided to be both generous with my writing and ask my readers to consider being generous in return. Yes, there are some platforms where offering my books for free isn’t an option, or is too complicated, or I think that the platform deserves some recompense, but by and large my stories are available to be read by readers, no matter their financial means.

Ways to support

Ko-Fi: I think I have decided (in December 2023) Ko-Fi is going to be my favourite funding platform. Through Ko-Fi, you can give one-time support, or set a recurring monthly amount or your choice if you’re feeling super generous. I’m also in the process of setting up a Discord, which you can join for free, but I will also set up some tiers and bonuses for people who choose to support me monthly. The only thing I can think of at the moment, though, is monthly video calls … So much still to learn.

Patreon: Patreon works in recurring monthly payments. At the moment (June 2023) I have a single Tier set as a “Fan Club” for $1 per month. I am looking to add further tiers as I come up with more engagement ideas, such as exclusive Discord channels.

Laterpress: Through Laterpress you can set up an annual subscription for as little as $1USD per year.

Ream: I’m building a community over on Ream! (December 2023: Maybe … I don’t know. No one’s come to meet me there, yet) “What’s Ream?” you ask? So far, it’s like if Wattpad and Patreon made a baby. But it’s also new (as at mid-2023) with loads of promise. You can Follow me for free there, or choose to support me through monthly tips. I hope to see you there!

If you know of and/or prefer other platforms, I am happy to set up a presence there. I am still researching Ream vs Patreon/Discord.

If you choose to support me, it will go towards:

  • Illustrations (character art, covers, online graphics, etc)
  • Editing
  • General online costs
  • Tree-planting
  • Home repair/rebuild (our house is old and hard work)
  • A dryer!

These are all things I will figure out how to pay for anyway, but any help is much appreciated.